Business Profiles

Kiini Krystal – Reo Struggles podcast

Podcasting is the fastest growing media globally, creating fortunes and celebrity status for the likes of Joe Rogan, Bill Simmons, Karen Kilgraff and Georgia Hardstark (My favourite murder). There’s an oddity about sending questions to local podcasters for a written and published feature…

Kiini Krystal’s podcast Reo Struggles discusses the Te Reo Māori highs and lows of revitalisng the language. 

What is its theme? 
Reo Struggles is a monthly podcast that discusses the Te Reo Māori highs and lows of revitalising the language experienced by the guest/manuhiri.  Reo Struggles is for anyone seeking inspiration, guidance and encouragement with their Te Reo Māori journey. This is a podcast that is educational and also for listening pleasure too. What platforms are you on?  Spotify and Podbean and I promote it on Instagram and Facebook.

Why do you podcast?
My objective is to create a platform that educates people about Te Reo Māori by the means of sharing stories by real people and real experiences.

Why did you start a podcast? 
It was an idea and a discussion between friends who speak Te Reo Māori that ended up with us saying ‘we don’t need another podcast to teach us about Te Reo Māori’ (we have Taringa for that) why not share the struggles that we experience to hopefully inspire another’s Te Reo Māori journey.

What is easy to set up?
Yes, it was pretty simple.  I just used my tablet and the recorder with a lapel mic to capture the kōrero.  Podbean is the hosting site I use to release the episodes.

Who is you’re most interesting guest? 
That’s are hard question to answer, because they were all really good and listening to each of their stories were all interesting and inspiring.

Who would be your ultimate interview talent? 
Eventually I would love to interview all our Te Reo Māori National advocates and stalwarts.  Trust me I know that›s going to happen so #watchthisspace

Any tips for other budding podcasters? 
Yes!  The only true expense to creating a podcast is TIME! Your time that you subject matter or the guest and hopefully unearth something that makes it stand apart in the sea of podcasts out there.

What does success as a podcaster look like to you? 
Consistency and a unique angle that makes your podcast stand out from the rest.

What podcasts do you regularly listen to? 
Taringa is my morning favourite.  Outside of that I enjoy listening to some the RNZ Podcast series, really enjoyed He Kakano Ahau Series from RNZ.